Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Three weeks until the PNI Practicum

Hello again good people of the internet. My next PNI Practicum courses start on 5 and 7 September 2023. Here I am answering a common question about the PNI Practicum: who is it for?


No new signups this week, but there are still three weeks to go!

If I get enough signups to run these courses, I will run them with enthusiasm. If I don't, I plan to convert them both to free self-running courses, with instructions and materials (but without me). Then I'll move on and look for another way to make money. The ball is in your court, life/universe/everything.

Here's another recommendation video. 


Some things people have told me they have valued about the PNI Practicum: 

  • the ability to tack back and forth between theory and practice, practicing the application of concepts with real people telling real stories
  • the ability to compare notes and brainstorm solutions with other students
  • the solid base of support and advice from a leader with decades of experience

Some things people have not liked:

  • the high time investment (6-8 hours per week)
  • the difficulty of finding people willing to share stories (a challenge in any type of participatory work)

As I always say, working with stories is a magical thing - and magic has never been easy. Learning together makes it easier, though.

If you want to take a PNI Practicum course but cannot meet at either of the times listed in the course descriptions (Practicum I, Practicum II), be aware that those meeting times are tentative. At our first meeting we will talk about how we can time our weekly calls to accommodate everyone.

All of the videos I am posting here can also be found on the PNI Practicum web site at Special thanks to Augusto Cuginotti, who helped me put the video series together.

If you have any questions about participatory narrative inquiry or about the PNI Practicum courses, drop me a note at

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