Monday, August 27, 2018

Story the Future summit Sept 10-30

So a while ago I got an invitation from David Hutchens, who wrote Circle of the 9 Muses, to take part in an online summit he and some others were putting together on the future of story work. It seemed like a good thing, so I said yes. Then he asked me to tell you about the summit, so I said yes to that too. So here I am telling you.

The summit is called Story the Future and it runs from September 10 to 30. In the main it consists of some 30+ half-hour interviews with people doing a wide range of story work. My intuition is that every one of these interviews will be worth watching. I plan to watch as many as I can. If you are just getting started with story, or if you have been in the field for a while and feel a need to branch out and learn more about what the rest of the world is doing, this seems like a great opportunity.

There are also "live events" planned for each week (these seem like they will be Zoom conversations). I plan to attend some of those as well.

Here's a blurb:
Story the Future is a three-week online summit filled with dialogue, inspiration, and ideas participants can put to work right away to "story the future". The Summit is a collection of half-hour interviews discussing a range of facets around storytelling and story work. New interviews will be coming out daily, jam-packed with fresh ideas, ways to work with story and insights into how story is working in, and changing, the world. ... The intention of this Summit is to share stimulating new ways of looking at story and story work, connect the international field of people interested in story and help all of us deepen our practice.
Seems like a good idea, right? I think so. Be aware that each interview will only be available for a few days (unless you buy the "All-Access Pass"), so choose what you want to see, and pay attention to the dates on the schedule.

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